LOTS OF SPRING COLORS for this crystal grid! Much like the waxing moon is a period of growth, springtime is also a period of growth as well. To harness these energies, this crystal grid is made with a lot of the chartreuse colors of young seedlings growing out of the ground along with a few colors of springtime flowers. The copper pyramid is placed so that the far face faces magnetic north. – When you study pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, Cambodia, all of these sacred places took great care to build their buildings with the cardinal directions in mind. #oceanjasper #apatite #tanzanite #apophyllite #greenadventurine #prehinite #cobaltcalcite #naturalcitrine #citrine #crystalgrid #sacreddirections #foursacreddirections #cardinaldirections #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalblessings #crystallove #crystaleducation #crystalsanctuary #crystallove #crystalvibes #metaphysics #metaphysicalstudy #metaphysicaleducation #pyramids #copperpyramids #place8healing Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1S4e7gn