💜😊💜!!!THE CRYSTALS ARE HERE WAITING FOR YOU!!! 💚😊💚 I’m always curious to see who the crystals go home with…. as I have said before, I just feel like I’m a foster parent to them until their rightful person comes long to take them into their life and home. So COME TOMORROW for the FRIDAY OPEN HOUSE from 11-7. I will actually be at this open house giving free complimentary crystal recommendations. I will only have a few dates I will be available for these buy azithromycin gratis intuitive readings (Tomorrow, April 29th, and May 7 & 8 at the Echo Park Craft Fair.) Otherwise this service is only available by appointment ($100 for a session) by Skype or phone. So come by tomorrow if you want to take advantage of me being here! #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalhealer #crystalblessings #crystallovr #dtla #gemsandminerals #minerals #forsale #openhouse #intuitive #intuition #metaphysical #metaphysicalcrystals #place8healing Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1RPPhpy