SO LONG STORY SHORT… I became a crystal healer because I wanted to make metaphysical jewelry. I wanted tailsmans to wear but couldn’t find anything that was to my taste or was the quality I was looking for. I wanted to make crystal jewelry from others, but didn’t feel comfortable just saying a piece of jewelry would help with this-or-that because I read it from some crystal book. I wanted to know for myself what crystals could or could not do, and I wanted to know if I was able to have any personal connection with them. – In my first crystal healing class, my connection to the crystals suddenly opened up as if I could suddenly hear a radio station I never realized was there buy azithromycin online canada before. In this frequency the crystalline information began coming through me with the knowingness that I finally had done all the pre-requisite training the Universe required of me to do my work helping bring healing energy to the world through the medium of crystals. – It’s been a long journey to come back to the jewelry, but the Universe has finally given me the go ahead… so here is the first piece from the bridge line collection of AS ABOVE SO BELOW; Metaphysical Fine Jewelry for the Soul. – Read more about the RIVER TUMBLED BLACK TOURMALINE RING the @asabove8sobelow Instagram account. #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalblessings #crystallove #crystaljewelry #metaphysicaljewelry #crystalhealer #finejewerly #goldjewelry #14k #blacktourmaline #fairminedgold #asabove8sobelow Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1R6TcvW