SPRING EQUINOX began in Los Angeles at 9:30 PM yesterday. And yesterday’s Spring Equinox is when we officially launched the As Above So Below website. – I am happy to have officially launched the jewelry side of my crystal healing mission. My aim is to create heirloom pieces of honor to support you energetically to a more happier and fulfilling life. – The DNS for the website is still propagating over the interwebs so you may not see the new website when you go to http://ift.tt/21BRswa, but for now you can go to the Instagram account at @asabove8sobelow – CRYSTAL BLESSINGS, Azalea #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystallove #crystalvibes #jewelry #crystaljewelry #gemsandminerals #minerals #gems #place8healing #asabove8sobelow Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1T3kapB