PLACE 8 HEALING… NOW OPEN EVERY FRIDAY (except for May 6th! 😉)!!! – Crystals are notoriously difficult to photograph. Like any landscape photo you may see, it never does any justice compared to seeing the real thing! – So we invite you to come in and see how much more spectacular these crystals are when you are looking at their majesty and beauty in person. – 120 E. 8th Street, azithromycin price online Suite 902, Los Angeles 90014. – 11 to 7PM. – Dial #902 on the building directory keypad if the front building door happens to be locked. #crystals #crystalhealing #crystalblessings #crystallove #crystalemporium #crystalsanctuary #crystalgifts #crystalvibes #crystalcollection #gemsandminerals #fineminerals #finegemandminerals #dtla #downtown #losangeles #metaphysical #metaphysicalcrystals #thingstodoinlosangeles #place8healing Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1V0tUmp