DO YOU KNOW CRYSTAL HEALING SESSIONS CAN BE DONE OVER DISTANCE??? – If you are not in the Los Angeles area and still want to experience the benefits of a crystal healing session, know that sessions can be done over the phone! Crystals will be laid on the crystal healing bed as if you were at Place 8 Healing, while the crystal energies transmute to you instantly. It’s a great way to experience the benefits of the deep clarity that can come crystal healing session from the comfort of your own home. – For more information, go to the APPOINTMENTS page on the website. – Link in the profile👆🏼! #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalhealer #layingonthestones #layingonthestones #crystalblessings #crystallove #crystalenergy #crystalgrid #healing #metaphysical #loveandlight #place8healing Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1NXIhQq