We will be closed tomorrow… because PLACE 8 HEALING will be at the ECHO PARK CRAFT FAIR this weekend!!! Azalea will be there with free crystal readings (normally $100/session) that include personalized recommendations on what stone will be most helpful to you, as well as what exact stone of those stones that will be the one most suited to help you with your energy. – She will be bringing new stones like the one pictured above, LAZULITE, which feels to her like a fireworks sparkler, but in this case to express the creative sparks that lie in your own mind. This is an especially buy zithromax 1000mg helpful stone for anyone who feels in new of lots of new inspiration… and this stone will energetically get things going by giving the little sparks to fuel the creative fire. – So come check out the @echoparkcraftfair which will be happening at the Mack Sennett studios this Saturday and Sunday. More information at the http://ift.tt/19mJgVJ – And if you can’t make it to the fair, check the online shop for available stones! #creative #creativity #creativejuice #creativespark #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalblessings #crystallove #crystalvibes #metaphysicalstones #metaphysicalcrystals #gemsandminerals #minerals #finegemsandminerals #place8healing #echoparkcraftfair Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/21BUSAF