NEW!!! *LAVENDER FLUORITE* IN THE WEBSHOP! – For those of you juggling multiple projects or any other activity where you have many ideas to sort out at the same time, try using the calming energies found in the gentle undulations of botryoidal LAVENDER FLUORITE to assist you in clarifying your thoughts. Just like you would use a detangler to help untangle your hair so that it’s easier to work with, this stone is the “detangler for the mind.” The energy of this stone is especially useful for writers and other creatives who need help organizing and clarifying ideas and then zithromax online usa helping to establish a sense of direction when there is multitude of ideas to work from. This is even a great stone, e.g. attorneys, trying to understand an event or problem intellectually dense with tangled information like. It’s essentially a stone for those of you who could use assistance calming and clarifying a mind with a lot of information to sort out. – TO PURCHASE: Go to link in the profile! #fluorite #china #botryoidal #lavender #crystals #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystallove #crystalblessings #crystalvibes #metaphysicalcrystals #fineminerals #mineralcollecting #mineralcollectors #finemineralcollections #gemsandminerals #mineralspecimen #mineralspecimens #place8healing Posted from Instagram: http://ift.tt/256R6Vq