Crystal Guided Meditation at the Hammer Museum


Crystal healer, Azalea Lee, will be leading a crystal guided meditation at the Hammer Museum. In collaboration with Jade Gordon & Megan Whitmarsh for their imaginary educational and retreat center, OURCHETYPES are nine archetypal stations “to provoke transformation and self-discovery.” Through the use of crystal grids, Azalea will be leading one of their artist’s workshops; a meditation to help you to explore your inner worlds and the wisdom and information you already have within yourself.

The crystal meditation is free, but space is extremely limited. Sign ups begin an hour before the event begins and is first come, first served. Participants will also be receiving a card from the Ourchetypes Divination Deck as part of the meditation.

Tuesday, July 24
5:30p – 7:30p
(Sign ups begin at 4:30P)

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